A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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just wanted to let everyone know i made a real good breakfast sandwich this morning. extra sharp white cheddar, a folded egg patty, pepper bacon, grunions, and leftover salsa roja from some bbq tacos

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spent all week procrastinating on a work task because it involves an extremely complex system that i’ve somehow mostly avoided and when i finally forced myself to start it this afternoon, i was done 30 minutes later 🙃

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there’s a bar near me that i love but they play loud music and have bad acoustics; i finally came with my airpods and put them in transparency mode and it’s a fucking game changer

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BREAKING NEWS: Congress amends stipulations of proposed TikTok ban. TikTok may remain in US app stores if they change their algorithms to make it so we don’t have to scroll past four to six ads, sponsored/commissioned posts, or live videos for every one normal post.

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i opened a GitHub issue on Brogue (a modern version of the game Rogue) and it’s the only good issue i’ve ever opened

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just cracked open a peach milkis and YOOO HOW DID I NEVER KNOW HOW FUCKING GOOD THESE ARE?? it’s been ages since i’ve had a calpico but i think this is even better???

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i’ve become so good at my job that i now fix bugs purely by accident. maybe by next year i’ll be able to fix bugs while i’m completely unconscious

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ME [IN CHAPTER 4 OF FF7 REBIRTH]: dunno why people are complaining about the minigames, they don’t seem too bad?

ME [IN CHAPTER 10 OF FF7 REBIRTH]: o bahamut! release me from this everlasting torment!

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i wish RPGs wouldn’t do that thing where they temporarily remove some team members and force a specific party makeup. i don’t want to play as Aerith. i don’t know how

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i had my 35th birthday while i was in Japan, and there’s only one thing i want from you all:

please contact Seven & I Holdings and push for them to modernize american 7-Eleven stores, bringing Japanese convenience store culture to the states. lobby congress. our 7-Elevens could be so much better.

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the absolute best exchange i overheard in Japan:

TOURIST: i love Miyazaki. is he big here?
NATIVE: Miyazaki?
TOURIST: yeah, is he famous here?
NATIVE: Miyazaki… etto…
TOURIST: Spirited Away?
NATIVE: … ehhhhh… baseball???

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the amount of coughing on my 7h30m flight was unreal. nearly constant dry coughing from multiple people and children. most people still not wearing masks. it’s just incredible that people accept this

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