Cell-phone girl: hey I’m going to stand on this ramp so bikers can’t get past me
Me: omg MOVE
CPG: chats on phone
Me: swerves
Hooray, Snow Leopard DNS issues means no web browsing under OS X right now. Stuck in Windows until I talk to network team tomorrow…
Had a pretty fun time at the party. Forgot tonight was DST! Only 2:36 and not 3:36. Yeah still gonna go to bed right now omg
Looking forward to Kim and Shea’s Halloween party later. Trying to figure out what to eat for breakfast.
Went to Critical Mass as The Monarch’s 24th henchman: http://gdzl.la/7bKZ69 http://gdzl.la/7bG882
Thank you, Lala.com, for transforming my compilation of video game song remixes into a gangsta rap album. Duly appreciated.