A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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i don’t think we’re fucked. if anything, i think we’re much less fucked. for better or for worse, dems made Biden’s situation unsalvageable. this is an opportunity! Trump’s whole campaign has been planning for a victory against Biden. now he has to contend with a younger, more energetic candidate.

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I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR

more like George Cursed

George Kurtz was also CTO at McAfee in 2010 when they caused a global Windows XP outage

Too funny: In 2010 McAffe caused a global IT meltdown due to a faulty update. CTO at this time was George Kurtz. Now he is CEO of #crowdstrike https://www.zdnet.com/article/defective-mcafee-update-causes-worldwide-meltdown-of-xp-pcs/


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I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR

so next year, Google will break millions of goo.gl links all across the internet. they already shut off the ability to shorten new URLs and it would be extremely easy for them to leave the existing ones up. but Google doesn’t care about the web, so they won’t.

Shortened goo.gl URLs will all break in late 2025

Understand how you will be impacted by our decision to turn off the serving portion of Google URL Shortener.


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I checked in at Breakside Brewery / Portland / OR

I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR

our collective memory span amazes me sometimes. like do y’all really not remember when Mike Monteiro called out Sticker Mule’s CEO/Co-founder as a huge Trump supporter/donor in October 2016 and it lead to him deleting his twitter account? of course not

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why are people still debating the gender neutrality of “dude” in the year of our lord 2024? if someone doesn’t want you to call them “dude”, just don’t; if they don’t care, go for it. this shit isn’t complicated

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I checked in at Magna Kusina / Portland / OR