I think I just agreed to do a fifteen mile bike ride. How did this happen? Please stay cloudy; I don’t want to disappear into a salty puddle
Time to do laundry, because I swore to myself I’d never be one of those college kids that takes dirty clothes home for their mommy to clean.
Next semester: two lab courses including organic chem? Check. 16 hours per week working at the help desk? Check. Am I worried? Hell no.
Gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh would now pale in comparison to the gift this night has been.
Despite being rushed and that it probably contains bullshit, completing this research paper was oddly satisfying. I await my A, professor…
Do you have a huge sleep debt? Is your circadian rhythm virtually nonexistent? Not getting those delta waves? You may be a college student.
Finishing up a bad presentation on bad data from a bad study. Tonight’s going to be pretty… Well… Y’know.
Dry hands: like their ostracized cousin, dry mouth, easily remedied. Luckily, not as disgustingly offensive, either.