A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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it’s pretty magical to be able to:

  1. take an iPhone screenshot
  2. tap it, quickly marking it up and cropping it
  3. tap the sharing button, “copy” the image
  4. paste somewhere on my macbook pro

just seamlessly. it’s v cool

@SlackHQ so i’ve been noticing that custom emoji look super blurry in the Slack desktop app but always look great in the mobile app. is this something on your radar by any chance? (jumboji pretty much always look great, btw; im only talking about emoji in sentences)

had a hard time deciding if i wanted to go to Han Oak or try out PaaDee’s issan dinner, but han oak is closed tomorrow and the issan dinner is both monday AND tuesday so i guess maybe that decision was easier than i thought