A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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welp. hooked up the used audio equipment i got for my studio desk and the amp (not the speakers! the amp!) has a weird oscillating hum: clyp.it/aufrwoes

it does this even if everything else around it is unplugged. if i plug the amp in elsewhere in the house, it’s quiet 😭

I checked in at Castagna / Portland / OR

Finally gonna try the Impossible Burger. But first: a Sazerac

do any of you ever think about how there are like 💵💴four paper money emojis💶💷, a credit card emoji 💳, and even a money bag 💰? but there’s no coin emoji? no? oh… ok nevermind

i was typing up confidential medical info to my girlfriend and iMessage switched over to a random acquaintance and it got sent to him instead. earlier this morning, the same bug happened to my brother. wtf

there’s nothing i love doing more than spending five minutes moving a restaurant bathroom’s faucet back and forth before realizing that hot water doesn’t exist in this place