i miss the good old days where gifs on twitter weren’t mp4s and you could download them easily and oh also there weren’t nazis
Face ID is mostly great but the in-app permissions for it are just fucked. If I use Safari’s iCloud passwords feature to log into an app, why does that app need Face ID permissions? Why not just Safari or iCloud?
I checked in at The Know / Portland / OR
what does this sticker even mean. frat boys?
I checked in at Alberta Cooperative Grocery / Portland / OR
welp. haven’t even been to a @PortlandDSA meeting yet but i just became a monthly @DemSocialists sustainer. DEFINITELY need to attend the meetings now! and the next one is soon! https://facebook.com/events/344391302639549/
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
@manton2 Just noticed a little timestamp bug on http://Micro.blog. This post shows “9:34pm” as the timestamp, which makes it seem like it’s a half hour in the future instead of last night
Hash: SHA256
This is lit
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
just watched someone cross an intersection and park their car in the right lane. then they got out of their car and walked into a building 🤔