I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
the Apple Store app and site are just consistently down for me, and yet apparently enough people have gotten through that its out of stock?
I checked in at Trifecta Tavern and Bakery / Portland / OR
fuck. i just got back home FROM japan but now i wanna go again https://twitter.com/MINAT0/status/923477515640778752
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
Ran another 5K! harder this time because I was still sore from Tuesday but I did it anyway! And look at that BPM graph 😍 #davidcelisruns
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
🏃🏽 I ran outdoors for 3.12mi. First 5K in ages, and it was after like a month break 😵 #davidcelisruns
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR