I checked in at Super Swarm Sunday / Everywhere / IN
Why I hate the five-star rating scale: http://davidcelis.com/blog/2012/02/01/why-i-hate-five-star-ratings/
Why I Hate Five-Star Ratings
When I was originally developing goodbre.ws (and, later, recommendable), the very first thing I had to decide was how users would rate items. Would I give them a standard five star system? Maybe something with more granularity, like allowing for half stars? Or perhaps the humble thumbs up or down? Truth be told, going with a binary thumbs up or down system of likes and dislikes was an easy choice. After all, I hate the five-star rating system.
I checked in at Pine State Biscuits / Portland / OR
Recommendable: insert a Like/Dislike based recommendation engine for your Rails app http://davidcelis.com/blog/2012/01/28/recommendable/
I checked in at Powell’s Books on Hawthorne / Portland / OR
@octopress Is it possible to deploy to a single repository using both github pages and project pages, or do I need a separate remote repo?