Yay. Rollins Facilities’ Work Order site is down, so I can’t report that the water temp in Sutton is down building-wide.
Fox Day: an old tradition where natives pray to their deity for a brief respite. An answer comes in the form of a ceramic fox on the grass.
NATION… @StephenColbert has an iPad. And ask yourself this: if he loves it, can you really afford NOT to!?
@getcloudapp After deleting files using the web interface, they stay under “History” in the actual client-side app. How to refresh?
The aforementioned April Fools Day gummy bear car. Note the windshield wipers… http://gdzl.la/7Q4iu5
Worst part about finding domain names? Finding out most of them are taken by generic search engines that have nothing to do with the name.
Finally had an idea for a website, but I have to figure out what I want to call it and the best domain name to go along with it…
@AzRitchie found this whilst cleaning the computer labs. Welcome to Rollins College! http://gdzl.la/7Ny9kQ
is it creepy to tell somebody that their short ponytail looks just like one of those big, puffy paintbrushes
About to go to the Rollins production of The Vagina Monologues. Oh gods… This better mean as much to you as you say it does, Shea!