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David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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🗣️ The layoffs will continue until morale improves

/ 🦣 / 🦋 / 🧵 Woodlawn / Portland / OR 90°F and clear  (AQI 19 )

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💬 Replies (7)


> in approximately 1,050 employees leaving the company who are not meeting expectations

Wow intuit you fucking suck at mentoring and managing your workforce. if 8% of my 18,000 company were underperforming I should fire my entire managerial team. and probably the CEO for letting that happen.

> we will hire approximately 1,800 new people

can you not use the money to train these “underperforming” people? would it not be cheaper to pay for the 700 that aren’t in your eyes, shit, to assume the new roles you want to hire for? Hiring is very expensive

> By 9:00 AM PT today, all employees impacted by these changes will receive a calendar invitation from their manager titled “Leaving Intuit Discussion”. Those who do not receive an Outlook invitation by 9:00 AM PT can assume they are not impacted and we ask that you support your colleagues as they process this news.

Sasan, you’re an evil person. Evil. An evil piece of shit.

@davidcelis this is so evil I can't believe it's still up. Well, here's an archive link just in case: archive.ph/kPl9y.

So just to get this straight:

They're not firing people because they have to; no, they wouldn't do that, they're not that sort of company.

They're firing people because they want to. To "invest in AI". Because of their history of "self disruption".

As someone said, I really can't wait for the AI bubble to burst on these smug fuckers.

@nottrobin they’re firing people because they very suddenly “raised their expectations” and in their own words they even expect not only to refill those positions with others, but continue to grow PAST that. one of the more fucked up layoff announcements i think ive ever seen

@zachleat the only thing that’s an even worse insult than “AI slop”