neat! i look forward to this selling out instantly and not being able to get one
Nintendo’s next Lego console will be a Game Boy
Your Switch 2 announcement is in another castle.
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💬 Replies (4)
@davidcelis have you had issues with the other lego consoles? they keep them in production for like a year or two and they're readily available at Target, Walmart, and the Lego store when they're in production. Same for, if you're so inclined. Lego VIP Club members usually get access to preorders a few days early if you’d rather be an early bird.
@mckern i haven’t tried to buy one of the consoles, ive just gotten used to many of the lego sets that interest me going out of stock almost instantly
@davidcelis the only production (read: not part-picked) sets that have such limited production that they don't get restocks are the "free gift” sets they do every month at Lego stores and; all of these ICONS/Ideas sets stay in production for a year or two. The initial runs may sell out, but they just make more.
(I have a basement wall FULL of these sets, FWIW. You stumbled into one of my special interests.)
@davidcelis you can check the production cycles on some of the tracker sites, e.g. BrickEconomy. For example, the NES was in production for 4 years: