A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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i loved watching Station Eleven, but i’m so glad that i decided to read the book, too. i just finished it and the last few chapters made me start to cry multiple times. what a way to capture the terrible, fleeting beauty of our world.

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💬 Replies (4)

@davidcelis I read the book first and liked the show so much better. It has so many feels.

@phedinkus that’s so interesting! i was about to say that i think i like the book more but i worry it’s because of recency bias. the differences are really interesting to me. i missed the expansion of Jeevan’s story and his connection with Kirsten. their reunion in the show is breathtaking and meaningful. but the prose in the book is too, and i found myself really lingering at certain parts that hit me really hard. i think both versions were really worthwhile and different.

@davidcelis I burned through all of her books recently and they’re all fantastic

@davidcelis I bet if I reread it now it would be colored by the show and I would feel differently about it.