A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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trying (and failing) to build/install PostGIS from source because homebrew pins it to postgresql@14 and i upgraded to postgresql@15 a few days ago 🫠

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πŸ’¬ Replies (5)

@jbr is postgres app good? i don’t necessarily need homebrew, but its all i’ve ever used. also my job’s app runs postgres in a docker container so im frequently having to stop/start my brewed postgres so it won’t conflict with the container. if its easy to do that with postgresapp i might give that a try

@jbr or i guess i could just pick a different port

@davidcelis easy to start/stop from menu bar, *might* require three clicks, possibly just two. I’ve installed it and upgraded with the app for the last few machines I’ve configured and have zero complaints. Does what it says on the label.

@davidcelis I was going to suggest that and figured you had some reason that wouldn’t work. Ports and log locations are all configurable through the ui (but it’s just pg so config files work too)