A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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vacation, day one! i’m off for two weeks, so i want to do much more cooking than i’ve been doing lately. i thought i’d get some breakfast sausage for egg sandos but then i saw these preformed banh mi meatballs at New Seasons, so… that, a runny egg, american cheese, grunions, and spicy mayo. so good

/ 🦋 / 🦣 Woodlawn / Portland / OR 46°F and mostly cloudy  (AQI 24 )

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💬 Replies (3)

@danilo yknow, i have yet to make my own mayo! not for any particular reason, i guess; i love the stuff and i do have an immersion blender… i should just do it soon. this was kewpie and sriracha

@davidcelis ooooh, nice

Yeah, a 16oz straight neck mason jar and a stick blender will change your life, you won’t go back

After many false starts I found this and it has never failed me:


Two-Minute Mayonnaise Recipe