A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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steamed some more eggs, with smoked shoyu, sesame oil, and a bit of crisped up shredded pork. i think this is going in the regular breakfast rotation

/ 🦣 / 🦋 Woodlawn / Portland / OR 41°F and windy  (AQI 7 )

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💬 Replies (6)

@davidcelis That looks both delicious and like spaghetti-os frozen in resin

@davidcelis Ah, such fond memories of the resin bowl!!!

@vwampage the absolute best way to keep those spaghetti-os from goin stale!

@vwampage nice, they’ll be worth a lot of money someday. vintage