A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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our collective memory span amazes me sometimes. like do y’all really not remember when Mike Monteiro called out Sticker Mule’s CEO/Co-founder as a huge Trump supporter/donor in October 2016 and it lead to him deleting his twitter account? of course not

/ 🦣 / 🧵 / 🦋 Woodlawn / Portland / OR 80°F and clear  (AQI 45 )

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💬 Replies (9)

@davidcelis I seriously cannot believe how many folks in our circles have forgotten this (also I thought his name was Anthony Constantino?)

@mckern must've changed his name since then and i wasn't aware, it used to be Anthony Thomas

@davidcelis Right? It's one of those things I genuinely just thought was common knowledge

@davidcelis From Reddit

So uh… dude's lost his fucking mind.

@mckern @davidcelis Closing with "PS we have new products coming soon" is, uh, a move

@davidcelis I *do* remember that and I’m not even sure why since I’m not, like, a sticker tycoon or anything. But yeah collectively we suck at remembering.

@davidcelis @petes_bread_eqn_xls I didn’t forget but there are a lot of folks on fedi who weren’t in those tech adjacent twitter circles who are now easier to access

Yeah, it's been kind of weird to see the amount of people calling out Sticker Mule. Like, they're not wrong of course, but that guy has sucked for a long, long time