A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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one of my favorite thing about the Great British Bake-Off continues to be the illustrations because the actual bakes basically never look as good. i love imagining their artists being shown the footage and then told to “draw that but better”

/ 🦋 / 🦣 / 🧵 Woodlawn / Portland / OR 52°F and cloudy  (AQI 43 )

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💬 Replies (4)

@davidcelis I like it, because it visualizes the baker’s dreams.

@neven i know that’s the *real* reason and i love that too. and the bakes definitely look as good sometimes; the drawings are extra special when that happens

@davidcelis I read an interview with the one illustrator (one!) who says he tries to draw what the bakers intend, imagine, and hope the bake will look like

@nk i knew deep down this was the real reason and i am very happy to hear it’s the truth