A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper. Both me and the horse are wearing Santa hats.

🎵 Celiz Davidad 🎶

Próspero año y felicidad!

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im eating some garlic herb fries and they taste suspiciously like weed. it would be weird for a line cook to waste perfectly good weed on some stranger, so i know i’m just being paranoid. but… am i being paranoid because… i’m high?

/ 🦣 / 🧵 / 🦋 Woodlawn / Portland / OR 41°F and drizzling  (AQI 35 )

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💬 Replies (2)

a lot of weed? i really hope it wasn’t
A lot.. of paranoia? Or is that being paranoid? 🤔