A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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i sleep incredibly hot and today is the first day of an early summer heat wave… so i’m pretty thankful that the water-cooled mattress cover i ordered a month ago arrived just in time 🥴

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thought i’d make pizza for my partner and myself tonight. made hers with sautéed kale from her garden, which was still so bitter that it wasn’t very good. then i cut up some jalapeño cheddar sausage and provolone for mine but tore the dough while shaping it. there’s no back up dough 😭

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casual pizza night with my friend Vera 😌 garden kale, red onion, and bacon… and a good old classic pepperoni, zhushed up with some fresh basil and hot honey

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every food post on instagram is like “eat or pass???” and then shows some professionally styled and tasty looking food that shouldn’t be even remotely controversial

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just wanted to let everyone know i made a real good breakfast sandwich this morning. extra sharp white cheddar, a folded egg patty, pepper bacon, grunions, and leftover salsa roja from some bbq tacos

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