I checked in at Hunnymilk / Portland / OR
i don’t know why they gave this to me
twitter’s built-in translate using bing is completely useless. i almost always have to copy and paste into google translate
I checked in at Tough Luck Bar / Portland / OR
“Beets by Ve” lmao
I checked in at Woodlawn Coffee and Pastry / Portland / OR
lmao i forgot about the time that these VCs engaged in “playful banter” with Milo https://medium.com/@girlziplocked/what-do-jason-calacanis-marc-andreessen-and-vivek-wadhwa-all-have-in-common-f0286f5fdbd4
so umm… maybe rethink Thiel now, @sama/@[email protected]? his palling around with white nationalists isn’t a good look https://buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/heres-how-breitbart-and-milo-smuggled-white-nationalism
i already thought @wadhwa was the worst, but it went so much further than i thought it would https://buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/heres-how-breitbart-and-milo-smuggled-white-nationalism?utm_term=.ci2NkQ4nxq#.fwPwj8NGKV
I checked in at New Seasons Market / Portland / OR
he’s done it again. yet another definitive list from @mrgan! can’t wait to dive into these 😋 https://twitter.com/mrgan/status/915720198052757507