A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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i was this 🤏 close to finally ditching 1Password for iCloud Passwords. i exported everything a few weeks ago and i’ve had 1Password disabled on my phone ever since… but then i went to set it up on my Windows PC and the support is AWFUL. i’m basically forced to use Edge or Chrome. sigh.

does anyone else in PDX never see Weather.app say its foggy when its foggy? like we could be in the middle of a dense fog advisory, but it says “mostly cloudy”? its like this for me every time. what is up w that.

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TECH CEOS: it’s wrong to be the arbiter of what you read or consume, and that’s why we will continue to allow nazis and eugenicists to post and monetize content on our platform

ALSO TECH CEOS: porn? here??? absolutely not

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speaking of “stop emailing me” why why WHYYY are there so many more marketing emails in the year of our lord 2023?? why am i on the mailing list of random restaurants i went to in SF once, multiple years ago??? leave me alone 😭

i am begging brands to stop copying Spotify Wrapped. i promise you that i don’t need a year-end retrospective on the reddits i’ve posted, the jiras i’ve ticketed, the games i’ve steamed, or the doors i’ve dashed. stop emailing me

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Elf (2023)


New York One anchor CHARLOTTE DENNON reports on a SANTA sighting in Central Park, allowing MICHAEL HOBBS to read aloud from SANTA’S list. JOVIE starts to sing “SANTA CLAUS Is Coming to Town” to raise Christmas spirit as EXTRAS slowly join in. ON-SITE NYPD OFFICERS nervously reach for tear gas cannisters as they prepare to declare an UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY.

started doing advent of code early this month and, yet again, fell off after only a few days. i can’t remember who said it or when i saw it, but someone said it “feels like homework” to them and i agree 100%. its just not fun for me, i guess 🤷

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vacation, day one! i’m off for two weeks, so i want to do much more cooking than i’ve been doing lately. i thought i’d get some breakfast sausage for egg sandos but then i saw these preformed banh mi meatballs at New Seasons, so… that, a runny egg, american cheese, grunions, and spicy mayo. so good

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just made some eggnog snickerdoodles for a cookie swap tomorrow and it’s taking everything in my power not to eat one right now but i should probably test one to make sure they’re good right? right?

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my manager mentioned me being on PTO next week for the holidays and i’d completely forgotten that i took the whole week lol. last day of work for the whole year 😌

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