A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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this is why i wish bluesky wasn’t capturing the attention it has been. this is what they’re trying to pass off as moderation: the option to hide impersonators, hate speech and nazi posts as opposed to banning them outright. this should be completely unacceptable.

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back when i exported all my tweets and put them on my own site, i stored syndication links back to the original tweets and always meant to show links to them in their footers. i guess i’m glad i didn’t waste the thirty minutes now that they’re all login walled

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one of my favorite things about Tears of the Kingdom is that i can’t type “totk” on my phone without it aggressively autocorrecting to things like “york” or “total”.

but apparently nobody else can either, because every time i try to google things about totk, even the search suggestions are autocorrected 😭

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emerging from my social media hole to say that i am feeling extremely distressed with the month of June. it is inhuman to have released Tears of the Kingdom, Diablo IV, and Final Fantasy XVI all in the same month. who would do this to me and what did i do to deserve it

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the last time i worked in an office was ten years ago, in the infancy of my career, at New Relic. all of engineering was maybe 40 people, but 2.5 years later when i left, there were a few hundred of us. we worked together, ate lunch together, went on coffee walks together… there wasn’t any of that “we’re a family” bullshit, but we were all friends. i don’t think i’d ever want to give up the option of remote work, but my sense of community has only dwindled since then. i really, really miss it.

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just watched this bartender tell a dude “if you’re not gonna tip me again, i’m not gonna serve you anymore.” what a legend

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imagine writing software that is universally beloved. software that is unambiguously ethical.

imagine writing software for toto toilets and bidets. and then ask yourself: what are the rest of us doing with our lives?

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i was just about to tap my phone to an MTA turnstile when i hear a “hey”; looked up and four people dressed as mario, luigi, peach, and a banana peel were holding the emergency exit open so i just walked in 💀

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