A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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i really don’t appreciate this copy change from GitHub. i’d rather just lose my blue check entirely than have people think that i subscribe to GitHub Pro

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wild. local Portland chain Hotlips Pizza is closing three of their five stores and laying off dozens of people: wweek.com/food/2023/03/27/hotl

but the worst part? the owner is quoted saying this:

Each person is hardworking and has contributed mightily to the teams they have worked with, and to the longevity and health of our company. Many have been with us for years, decades even.

but how are those hardworking employees taken care of in the end? one week’s severance pay 🥴

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just a little reminder: always check a place’s insta before you go. maybe there’s a pic of a special wagyu burger that they won’t even mention out loud. you’d never know

took an impromptu trip to Astoria for my birthday. it’s the kind of town where, if you sell house plants and succulents, you also sell energy crystals. the only good coffee shop closed down in December, but it’s still beautiful here.

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woke up yesterday to another of our chickens having passed away overnight 😞 we’re not sure what happened this time, and we’ll probably never know. we don’t think she was eggbound, but there was definitely something wrong with her. we don’t know if she was sick or if there was something else wrong with her reproductive system. i know they’re not pets, but it’s still so hard. thankfully, we don’t think she had been suffering badly, but i feel so bad for our last chicken; she’s all alone now 😣

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