A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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first time having conveyor belt sushi since The Before Times. the last time i was here was February 2020 with my girlfriend and her sister and we were all like “we should do this more often!!!” 🙃

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remember when adding a javascript library to your website was as easy as downloading a file? or even just adding a <script> tag with a CDN-backed URL? now it’s a hellscape of NPM dependency trees and remote ESM imports. every year we stray further from the light

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i loved watching Station Eleven, but i’m so glad that i decided to read the book, too. i just finished it and the last few chapters made me start to cry multiple times. what a way to capture the terrible, fleeting beauty of our world.

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made (vegetarian) tamale pie for dinner last night and realized that i had no idea what it was supposed to be until i actually saw a recipe for it. i’d been mislead into thinking it involved polenta, so i’m glad i finally made it for myself, because i think it’s even better with the cornbread topper!

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just downloaded an archive of my Instagram data that i requested earlier today and… it includes everything about my account except my photos? what.

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you know it’s a good day when you get to sit on the phone with all three of the major U.S. credit bureaus AND your local city’s tax/revenue department 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍

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i’m doing some of the stupidest/hackiest shit i’ve ever done because of how picky i am about how i want my posts to look not only on my own website but where i cross-post… now i’m wondering why i wrote a bunch of stupid custom markdown parsing/rendering hacks instead of just adding micropub/mediapub endpoints and using something like iA Writer or Indiekit 🫥

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my maddening rabbithole for the last 1-2 days has been trying to figure out why smart punctuation and text replacements work differently in various HTML inputs, contenteditable elements, and specifically CodeMirror editors depending on whether or not you’re using a Mac or an iPhone. i wish i could just let this go, but nooo, i want my own little post composer text field that makes dumb little curly quotes, fixes ellipses, and counts my characters!

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If all went according to plan, I should have cross-posting set up on my website, and you’ll see this on Mastodon 🤞 Once I get my posting interface set up to accept photos and videos, I’ll finally be able to switch to posting everything from my own site!

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there’s nothing quite like the dread of having to implement a difficult feature followed by the relief of discovering a package that’s a complete (and extensible!) plug-and-play solution

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if you haven’t deleted your twitter account yet, you should really log back in to spread this amongst your friends who remain there:

in a week, all of the free tools that make it easy to bridge between Twitter and Mastodon will die, and it’s unclear if anybody who maintains one will pay, especially since no price has been announced. in a week, your twitter friends will find it more difficult than ever to find folks who have left and joined other platforms. let them know. twitter.com/twitterdev/status/

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is there any point to using the “Pause Docker” option in Docker Desktop? like ideally pausing Docker would mean it stops sucking up the entire memory limit that I’ve set for it, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. keeps on using 16 GB of memory for no reason.

GOD i am such a javascript noob. Stimulus is helping, but it took me way too long to get this working 🫠

tho, to be fair to myself, a lot of the difficulty stemmed from sticking with Rails’ newer importmap pattern because i really really do not want to have to deal with building javascript dependencies

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i’ve never really known whether or not this kind of silly commentary in my alt text is good or bad or useless, but i almost always do it. i feel like, worst case it adds nothing, best case it provides some extra/fun context for people who rely on screen readers or people who just decide to do the extra bit of digging?

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