A photo of me wearing a blue blazer and pocket square while on a horse, looking quite dapper.

David Celis

A cowboy coder.

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tried using tailwind’s aspect-ratio plugin and put aspect-w-* and aspect-h-* on some images today; they immediately rendered at 0x0 and vanished off of the page. i love CSS 😌

do twitter’s data exports seriously not include all the fucking alt text i wrote for my images? i’ve been working on importing my tweets into my new website and while the photos are there, none of the captions are. if i want to keep my shit accessible, im gonna have to go back and write alt text for thousands of pictures 🫠

💬 2 ❤️ 1

just spent thirty minutes trying to figure out why i couldn’t request a file in my DigitalOcean Spaces bucket from a Rails console without getting a 403, but then exiting out and using curl would get me the file.

thirty minutes.

it took me thirty minutes to notice that the URL in my rails code had a typo.

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officially turned off cross-posting to/from twitter and probably won’t even be logging in to read there much anymore. my timeline has been dwindling for a while but it’s been like a ghost town since they killed the popular third-party apps last week. there’s just no joy there anymore.

love to rediscover that i have a yearly subscription to an MMO that i haven’t played in ages because i get a renewal email that specifically says “no refunds lol”

i’ve dreamt of having one of these in my kitchen or near my espresso machine ever since i started brewing 13-14 years ago… my partner got me one as a gift and our friend helped her set it up and now it’s finally reality 🥹

i know a lot of titles in the tech industry sound ridiculous but when the first caller on the latest episode of “Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me” introduced himself as a “customer success manager” i immediately cringed

trying to google why one certain website would open fine on my mac, but not in any browser on my windows PC, and it’s so infuriating. literally every result is about the opposite problem!

sooo with the latest update to the #Gowalla beta, it looks like i have 2-3 invites to give away! any of my mutuals wanna get to try it out early and be friends? priority to Portland area friends since it seems like this iteration is pretty social, but i’d also invite a good enough friend who doesn’t live nearby!! just reply here or lemme know in DMs!